
  • Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Development

    The Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Development (e-ISSN: 3031-7428) is dedicated to the rapid dissemination of important research results to the global artificial intelligence (AI) community. The journal’s scope encompasses all areas of AI, including agents and multi-agent systems, automated reasoning, constraint processing and search, knowledge representation, machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in AI

  • Journal of Creative Power and Ambition (JCPA)

    Journal of Creative Power and Ambition (JCPA) (E-ISSN 3031-4054) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of Business Innovation and Creation, Business Development and Growth Strategy, Social Entrepreneurship, Risk and Finance Management, Marketing and Market Penetration, Product and Service Development, Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Psychological Aspects and Leadership, Environmental Influence and Policy, Performance Measurement and Success (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    E-ISSN 3031-4054


  • Journal of Resources and Reserves (JRR)

    Journal of Resources and Reserves (JRR) (E-ISSN 3032-3126) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of Management of mining waste, Control of water and air pollution, Handling of toxic and hazardous waste, Social and Economic Aspects, Social and economic impacts of mining activities, Involvement of local communities in decision making, Empowerment of affected communities, Use of information technology for mining data management, Data analysis for optimizing mine operations, Development of prediction and simulation models, Energy and Mining Resources, Research on renewable energy in mining, Utilization of mining waste for energy sources, and Studies on the efficiency of resource use (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 4 issues per year (March, June, September and December).

    E-ISSN 3032-3126

  • An Nafi': Multidisciplinary Science

    An Nafi’; Multidisciplinary Science (E-ISSN 3032-2324) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews in all areas of multidisciplinary science (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 4 issues per year (March, June, September and December).

    E-ISSN 3032-2324

  • Assoeltan: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement

    Assoeltan: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement (e-ISSN: 3031-7126) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal is a open-access scientific journal focusing on a university-community research and engagement program to advance theories, research, and practices related to all forms of outreach and engagement. (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 4 issues per year (March, June, September, and December).

  • EDUJAVARE: International Journal of Educational Research

    EDUJAVARE: International Journal of Educational Research (e-ISSN: 3031-2884) published twice a year (in June and December) by Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Edujavare Publishing by Indonesian Lecturers Association. This is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal as a dialogue medium of education, social and culture issues.

    The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including:

    1. Curriculum Development
    2. Educational Policy
    3. Language Education
    4. Bilingual Education
    5. Multicultural Education
    6. Art Education
    7. Teacher Education
    8. Educational Technology
    9. Educational Developments
    10. Educational Psychology
    11. International Education
    12. Social Education
    13. Social Studies
    14. History
    15. Sociology

  • International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)

    International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December). Focus and Scope IARE:

    International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is an open access, refereed journal that responds to an emerging global movement of collaborative, critical and change-oriented community-university research initiatives. IARE provides an inclusive forum for faculty, staff, students, professional practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on methodological practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. Articles include empirical case studies; analyses of partnership models, practices and processes; and theoretical reflections that contribute to the scholarship of engagement.

    A central aspect of community-based research and practice is that it seeks to drive change - social, intellectual, institutional. As such, IARE encourages innovative, mutually beneficial and culturally competent research approaches to conceptualising, designing, undertaking and communicating engaged research. Articles will not only bridge disciplinary boundaries but will seek to challenge traditional binaries of academic and non-academic knowledge systems by rigorously combining different ways of knowing and being. IARE welcomes articles that articulate and interrogate the complex tensions that exist between theory and practice, and between the various participants in the research enterprise, as well as advance the value of research that is driven by need as much as curiosity. Further, IARE is avowedly international in scope, actively seeking to make the journal a space for diverse voices and perspectives, in multiple forms and modes and from across different geographies.

    As an open access journal, IARE’ mission is to increase the timely, accessible and inclusive sharing of new knowledge and valuable insights from current practice to scholars, community leaders, practitioners and activists around the world. In this way, IARE strives to contribute to, and help build this active, evolving and critical global dialogue for change.

    Note on the Journal Sections: In establishing the format for IARE, the Editorial Committee sought to fulfil two goals: one, to create space for more chairs at the research table; and two, to expand the research table itself. That is, not just more, but different. For this reason, three article sections have been established: research; practice-based; and snapshots. In every instance, the focus is on including only high-quality articles on community-university engagement that meet the journal’s focus and scope.

    The Research articles (Refereed) section provides peer and institutional recognition of community-based research and scholarship. An important aspect of these peer-reviewed articles is that they critically consider the contribution made by the research to the literature – does it challenge, expand, renew? The Practice-based articles (Non-refereed) section of the journal focuses on excellence in the reporting and reflection on engagement in practice. By championing the intellectual rigor and craft of experiential-focused contributions, practice-based articles fundamentally complement the research articles. Finally, the Snapshots section (Non-refereed) is designed to showcase the rich variety of knowledge, experience and impressions by all stakeholders in community-university collaborations. This section is particularly geared to those new to research and/or sharing their knowledge and practice in an English-language journal setting. In addition, creative use of visuals, video and audio are welcome, in all sections. All sections are published together as one volume of the journal.

    We welcome reviewers! If you would like to review works for International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) please email the Executive Editor to state your interest.

  • ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review

    ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as: civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, and another section related to contemporary issues in legal scholarship.

  • IJELAC: Indonesian Journal of Education, Language, and Cognition

    IJELAC: Indonesian Journal of Education, Language, and Cognition (e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx) published twice a year (in June and December) by Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Edujavare Publishing by Indonesian Lecturers Association. This is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal as a dialogue medium of education, social and culture issues.

    The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including: Curriculum Development, Educational Policy, Language Education, Bilingual Education, Multicultural Education, Art Education, Teacher Education, Educational Technology, Educational Developments, Educational Psychology, International Education, Social Education, Social Studies, History, Sociology, Language, and Psichology.

  • International Journal of Agriculture, Livestock, and Aquaculture

    International Journal of Agriculture, Livestock, and Aquaculture (AgriLAQ)  (P-ISSN: xxx-xxx|& E-ISSN xxx-xxx) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes In fisheries, studies include fisheries biology, fisheries cultivation (aquaculture), fish stock management, fishing technology, fish health, genetics and fish breeding, fisheries economics, environmental impacts and conservation, fishery product processing technology, as well as socio-economic aspects of fisheries communities. In plantations, studies include plant breeding, cultivation techniques, pest and disease management, land management, post-harvest technology, agroforestry, plantation economics, sustainability and the environment, plantation biotechnology, as well as the socio-economic impact of plantations on society. In agriculture, studies include agronomy, soil science and fertilization, food crop science, plant protection, agricultural technology, agroecology and sustainability, agricultural sociology, agricultural economics, natural resource management, and food safety. In animal husbandry, studies include animal genetics and breeding, animal nutrition and feed, animal health management, animal husbandry technology, animal reproduction, animal husbandry economics, animal welfare, animal product processing, the environment and sustainability of animal husbandry, as well as the socio-economic impact of animal husbandry on communities (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    P-ISSN xxx-xxx

    E-ISSN xxx-xxx

  • Journal of Cultural Relativism (JCR)

    Journal of Cultural Relativism (JCR) (P-ISSN: xxx-xxx|& E-ISSN xxx-xxx) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes Education, Multiculturalism, Inclusive and equal education, Multicultural curriculum, Intercultural interaction in education, Multicultural pedagogy, The influence of globalization on education, Issues of cultural identity and belonging, The role of family and community in multicultural education, Action research in multicultural education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    P-ISSN xxx-xxx

    E-ISSN xxx-xxx

  • Journal of Conflict and Social Class (JCSC)

    The focus of research in the Journal of Conflict and Social Class (JCSC) is Cultural :

    1. Social Structure: society is organized in groups, institutions, and hierarchies. This includes analysis of social class, social stratification, ethnic groups, gender, and the like.
    2. Social Interaction: interacting with each other in various contexts, ranging from daily interactions to formal relationships within organizations or institutions.
    3. Socialization: values, norms, language and culture of society.
    4. Social Conflict: Analyze conflict, tension, and opposition in society. This can involve inter-class conflict, ethnic conflict, gender conflict, and the like.
    5. Social Theory: understanding society, functionalism, conflict, symbolic, interactionism, and other theories that explain social structure and dynamics.
    6. Social Change: changes in values, norms, social structures, technology and culture.
    7. Social Class and Stratification: social class based on economic, social, and political factors, as well as the impact of stratification on individuals and society.
    8. Culture: cultural elements, norms, values, symbols, and other cultural practices that shape a society's identity.
    9. Gender and Sexuality: gender, gender differences, and how social construction influences perceptions of masculinity and femininity.
    10. Health and Social Welfare: social factors, social welfare in society.
    11. Media and Communication: perception, culture, and social interaction in society.
    12. Urbanization: social change in the urban environment, urbanization, migration, and changes in social structure in the urban context.
    13. Education: education in socialization, social mobility, and social reproduction.
    14. Religion: religion in society, culture, identity, and social interaction.
    15. Globalization: globalization of society, economy, culture, and interactions between countries.
  • Aafiyah: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu

    Aafiyah: Jurnal Multidisiplin Ilmu (E-3026-3980) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education, Islamic religious education, early childhood education, basic education, mathematics education, Arabic language education, economics education, sociology education, social studies education, history education, science education, arts and culture education, social and humanities education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    E-ISSN 3026-3980

  • Tamilis Synex: Multidimensional Collaboration

    Tamilis Synx (E-ISSN 3026-3972) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of multidisciplinary science (See Focus and Scope).

    This journal articles are published four times a year; 4 issues per year (March, June and September, December).

    This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

  • Journal of Cross Knowledge

     Journal of Cross Knowledge is an academic journal that focuses on the exchange of knowledge across disciplines. This journal provides a platform for researchers, historians, and practitioners to share ideas, findings, and knowledge across various fields of study. With an interdisciplinary focus, this journal aims to facilitate the integration of concepts and methods from various scientific disciplines, encouraging the formation of a more comprehensive conceptual framework.

  • Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran

    International Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December). Focus and Scope Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran:

    International Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran is an open access, refereed journal that responds to an emerging global movement of collaborative, critical and change-oriented community-university research initiatives. Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran provides an inclusive forum for faculty, staff, students, professional practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on methodological practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. Articles include empirical case studies; analyses of partnership models, practices and processes; and theoretical reflections that contribute to the scholarship of engagement.

    A central aspect of community-based research and practice is that it seeks to drive change - social, intellectual, institutional. As such, Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran encourages innovative, mutually beneficial and culturally competent research approaches to conceptualising, designing, undertaking and communicating engaged research. Articles will not only bridge disciplinary boundaries but will seek to challenge traditional binaries of academic and non-academic knowledge systems by rigorously combining different ways of knowing and being. Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran welcomes articles that articulate and interrogate the complex tensions that exist between theory and practice, and between the various participants in the research enterprise, as well as advance the value of research that is driven by need as much as curiosity. Further, Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran is avowedly international in scope, actively seeking to make the journal a space for diverse voices and perspectives, in multiple forms and modes and from across different geographies.

    As an open access journal, IARE’ mission is to increase the timely, accessible and inclusive sharing of new knowledge and valuable insights from current practice to scholars, community leaders, practitioners and activists around the world. In this way, Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran strives to contribute to, and help build this active, evolving and critical global dialogue for change.

    Note on the Journal Sections: In establishing the format for Relevancia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, the Editorial Committee sought to fulfil two goals: one, to create space for more chairs at the research table; and two, to expand the research table itself. That is, not just more, but different. For this reason, three article sections have been established: research; practice-based; and snapshots. In every instance, the focus is on including only high-quality articles on community-university engagement that meet the journal’s focus and scope.

    The Research articles (Refereed) section provides peer and institutional recognition of community-based research and scholarship. An important aspect of these peer-reviewed articles is that they critically consider the contribution made by the research to the literature – does it challenge, expand, renew? The Practice-based articles (Non-refereed) section of the journal focuses on excellence in the reporting and reflection on engagement in practice. By championing the intellectual rigor and craft of experiential-focused contributions, practice-based articles fundamentally complement the research articles. Finally, the Snapshots section (Non-refereed) is designed to showcase the rich variety of knowledge, experience and impressions by all stakeholders in community-university collaborations. This section is particularly geared to those new to research and/or sharing their knowledge and practice in an English-language journal setting. In addition, creative use of visuals, video and audio are welcome, in all sections. All sections are published together as one volume of the journal.

  • Injutech: Indonesian Journal of Technology and Digital Transformation

    Injutech: Indonesian Journal of Technology and Digital Transformation (P-ISSN: xxx-xxx|& E-ISSN xxx-xxx) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of Science and Technology field. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Physics, Material, and Mechanical Engineering; Biology, Biological and Bio System Engineering; Food and Agriculture Engineering; Mathematics; Computer Science and Engineering; Earth Science and Engineering; Space Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Architecture and Civil Engineering; Environment Science and Engineering; Basic Science in Engineering Education; Engineering Education Reforms; New Technologies in Education; Industry and Education: A Continous Collaboration; Research and Development in Engineering Education; Globalisation in Engineering Education; Women in Engineering Education; Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education; Organization of Laboratories; Agricultural Bio Systems Engineering Education; Mechanical Engineering Education; Electric and Electronic Engineering Education; Civil Engineering and Architectural Engineering Education.

    The coverage of Digital Transformation includes: 

    a. Digital Transformation from Strategic Perspective in Developing Countries
    b. Digital Transformation from Leadership and Organization Perspective in Developing Countries
    c. Digital Transformation from Marketing Perspective in Developing Countries
    d. Digital Transformation from Entrepreneurship and Innovation Perspective in Developing Countries
    e. Digital Transformation from Supply Chain and Operation Perspective in Developing Countries (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    P-ISSN xxx-xxx

    E-ISSN xxx-xxx

  • International Assulta Journal of Integrated Health

    International Assulta Journal of Integrated Health (P-ISSN: xxx-xxx|& E-ISSN xxx-xxx) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of promotes medical research for clinician, basic scientists and others who treat and investigate health and medical problems. IAJIH publishes minimum 10 articles in each publication. The Journal’s mission is to publish peer-reviewed original scientific articles in clinical and laboratory research relevant to basic science and clinical medicine which include the following fields:

    • Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
    • Biochemistry
    • Cardiovascular
    • Case Reports
    • Child Health
    • Dentristy
    • Dermatology and Venerology
    • Epidemiology
    • Forensic Medicine
    • Geriatric
    • Histopathology
    • Internal Medicine
    • Nutrition
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology
    • Opthalmology
    • Otorhynolaryngology
    • Oral Biology 
    • Orthopedics and Traumatology
    • Pharmacology
    • Pharmacy
    • Preventive Medicine
    • Public Health
    • Radiology
    • Reproductive Health
    • Surgery

    (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    P-ISSN xxx-xxx

    E-ISSN xxx-xxx

  • Ijebar: International Journal of Economics, Business, and Accounting Research

    Ijebar: International Journal of Economics, Business, and Accounting Research (P-ISSN: xxx-xxx|& E-ISSN xxx-xxx) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, International Economics, Development Economics, Resource Economics, Health Economics, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Digital Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Business Ethics (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published four times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December).

    P-ISSN xxx-xxx

    E-ISSN xxx-xxx

  • AROEPALA: Biological & Life Science Journal

    AROEPALA: Biological & Life Science Journal is a scientific journal dedicated to the publication of research, reviews, and other scientific contributions covering various aspects of the field of biology holistically and broadly. The journal presents a premier platform for researchers, scientists, academics, and practitioners in various biological disciplines to share the latest knowledge, findings, and innovations related to the understanding of life, by describing, summarizing and investigating various aspects of life sciences at the cellular, molecular, organismal, ecosystem, and community levels, and their implications for the environment and life as a whole.

  • Batobo Journal of Indonesia

    Batobo Journal of Indonesia s an open access journal, and a peer-reviewed journal. Our main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from academics, researchers and practitioners in the fields of Islamic Education Management, Islamic Educational Leadership, Behavior and Culture of Islamic Education Organizations, and Islamic Education Administration. This journal is published three times a year in November, March and July by Institut Keislaman Tuah Negeri. E-ISSN Number:0000-0000

  • Jurnal Berdaya (Jurnal Multidisiplin Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)

    Jurnal Berdaya (Jurnal Multidisiplin Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)