About the Journal

International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) e-ISSN: 3025-9576 is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December). 

Articles include empirical case studies; analyses of partnership models, practices and processes; and theoretical reflections that contribute to the scholarship of engagement.


Announcement from the International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)


Announcement from the International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE):

Dear Members and Subscribers,

We are delighted to share some exciting news from the International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE). Our commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering academic engagement continues to drive our endeavors, and we have several important updates to share with our community.

  1. New Website Launch: We are thrilled to announce the launch of our redesigned website, which is now live and accessible at https://edujavare.com/ This user-friendly platform offers improved navigation, a sleek design, and enhanced features, making it easier for researchers, authors, and readers to access our content and engage with the latest research findings.

  2. Upcoming Special Issues: IARE is preparing to release a series of special issues that will cover a wide range of emerging research areas. Stay tuned for more information on these forthcoming special issues, which will provide in-depth insights into cutting-edge topics.

  3. Call for Papers: We invite researchers, scholars, and experts to submit their original research papers and manuscripts to IARE. Our commitment to excellence and rigor in publishing remains unwavering, and we encourage authors to contribute to our journal.

  4. Membership and Subscription Benefits: Members and subscribers can enjoy various benefits, including access to the latest research, discounted publication fees, and exclusive content. If you're not already a member, we encourage you to explore our membership options and reap the rewards of joining our vibrant academic community.

  5. Social Media Engagement: Stay connected with us on our social media channels for updates, news, and interesting insights. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to be part of the ongoing conversation in the world of research and engagement.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with the International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE). We look forward to an exciting journey of discovery, collaboration, and knowledge dissemination.


Editor-in-Chief International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)

Read more about Announcement from the International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2025): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
View All Issues

International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December). Focus and Scope IARE:

International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is an open access, refereed journal that responds to an emerging global movement of collaborative, critical and change-oriented community-university research initiatives. IARE provides an inclusive forum for faculty, staff, students, professional practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on methodological practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. Articles include empirical case studies; analyses of partnership models, practices and processes; and theoretical reflections that contribute to the scholarship of engagement.

A central aspect of community-based research and practice is that it seeks to drive change - social, intellectual, institutional. As such, IARE encourages innovative, mutually beneficial and culturally competent research approaches to conceptualising, designing, undertaking and communicating engaged research. Articles will not only bridge disciplinary boundaries but will seek to challenge traditional binaries of academic and non-academic knowledge systems by rigorously combining different ways of knowing and being. IARE welcomes articles that articulate and interrogate the complex tensions that exist between theory and practice, and between the various participants in the research enterprise, as well as advance the value of research that is driven by need as much as curiosity. Further, IARE is avowedly international in scope, actively seeking to make the journal a space for diverse voices and perspectives, in multiple forms and modes and from across different geographies.

As an open access journal, IARE’ mission is to increase the timely, accessible and inclusive sharing of new knowledge and valuable insights from current practice to scholars, community leaders, practitioners and activists around the world. In this way, IARE strives to contribute to, and help build this active, evolving and critical global dialogue for change.

Note on the Journal Sections: In establishing the format for IARE, the Editorial Committee sought to fulfil two goals: one, to create space for more chairs at the research table; and two, to expand the research table itself. That is, not just more, but different. For this reason, three article sections have been established: research; practice-based; and snapshots. In every instance, the focus is on including only high-quality articles on community-university engagement that meet the journal’s focus and scope.

The Research articles (Refereed) section provides peer and institutional recognition of community-based research and scholarship. An important aspect of these peer-reviewed articles is that they critically consider the contribution made by the research to the literature – does it challenge, expand, renew? The Practice-based articles (Non-refereed) section of the journal focuses on excellence in the reporting and reflection on engagement in practice. By championing the intellectual rigor and craft of experiential-focused contributions, practice-based articles fundamentally complement the research articles. Finally, the Snapshots section (Non-refereed) is designed to showcase the rich variety of knowledge, experience and impressions by all stakeholders in community-university collaborations. This section is particularly geared to those new to research and/or sharing their knowledge and practice in an English-language journal setting. In addition, creative use of visuals, video and audio are welcome, in all sections. All sections are published together as one volume of the journal.

We welcome reviewers! If you would like to review works for International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) please email the Executive Editor iareedujavare@gmail.com to state your interest.