focus and scope

Multidisciplinary: Journal of Scientific Research is a blind peer-reviewed journal that discusses multidisciplinary issues. Published every 6 months by Edujavare Publishing, this journal serves as a means of relevant discussion according to its focus and scope. Multidisciplinary: Journal of Scientific Research publishes papers periodically twice a year, namely in June and December by inpress. All publications in this journal are open, so articles can be accessed online without the need to subscribe.This journal publishes research articles covering a wide range of disciplinary focuses and scopes, including: Humanities and Social Sciences, Contemporary Political Science, Education and Learning, Religion, Philosophy, Economics, Engineering, Computer Science including ICT, AI, Informatics, Management, Administrative Sciences, Health Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land, Tax, Law, Counseling, Psychology, Islamic Studies, Art Design, Media Science, and Technology Development Science.