About the Journal

Multidisciplinary: Journal of Scientific Research is a blind peer-reviewed journal that discusses multidisciplinary issues. Published every 6 months by Edujavare Publishing, this journal serves as a means of relevant discussion according to its focus and scope. Multidisciplinary: Journal of Scientific Research publishes papers periodically twice a year, namely in June and December by inpress. All publications in this journal are open, so articles can be accessed online without the need to subscribe.



Journal Title : Multidisciplinary: Journal of Scientific Research 
Initials : mjsr
Frequency : two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December) in press.
E-ISSN : 3156-343X
Chief Editor : Nova Krisnawati, M.Pd.
DOI Prefix
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing
Accreditation : -