Penerapan Praktik Higienitas dan Sanitasi dalam Produksi Dangke
Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Tani Ternak Talaga Biru di Kabupaten Enrekang
Abstract: This Community Service activity aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of farmers in hygiene and sanitation practices in the production of dangke at the Talaga Biru livestock farmer group in Enrekang Regency. The methods employed include theoretical sessions and hands-on practice. Evaluation results indicate an increase in farmers' knowledge from 40% to 85% and skills from 30% to 75%. This improvement positively impacts the quality of dangke produced, with a reduction in the number of pathogenic microbes. Although challenges in maintaining hygiene practices persist, this activity successfully achieved its objectives and can serve as a model for similar outreach programs in the future.
Keywords: hygiene practices, sanitation, dangke, farmer group, knowledge enhancement, product quality.