Pengaruh Peran Influencer Dalam Pembentukan Pandangan Politik Generasi Z di Universitas Jember: Antara Edukasi dan Manipulasi

The Influence of Influencer Roles in the Formation of Political Views of Generation Z at Jember University: Between Education and Manipulation


  • Radya Zabrina Azaria F Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Siti Nurmauna Rifa'i Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Danang Rizki Yopi N Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Rizki Zuhrotul Nawalia Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Tantut Susanto Universitas Jember, Indonesia


Education, Generation Z, Influencers, Manipulation, Political Views


The role of influencers on social media is increasingly significant in shaping political views, especially among Generation Z. This study aims to explore the influence of influencers in shaping the political views of Jember University students, considering the educational and manipulation aspects that may occur. Socialization activities were carried out by distributing pamphlets on this topic through social media and holding small group discussions among students to explore their perceptions of the influence of influencers in politics. The methods used were information dissemination and interactive discussions, which allowed students to better understand the role of influencers in shaping their political opinions. The results of this activity are expected to provide insight into the impact of social media on the formation of students' political views, as well as assess the extent to which the delivery of information by influencers can function as constructive education or become a form of detrimental manipulation.

