Pengenalan Biodiversitas Tanaman Obat Melalui Pembuatan Herbarium Di MTS. Darul Muttaqin Componge Desa Lappo Ase, Kecamatan Awangpone, Kabupaten Bone


  • Nurman Marang Universitas Sulawesi Barat
  • St. Aisyah S Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin
  • Hafsan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin


The biodiversity of medicinal plants plays an essential role in society, particularly in traditional medicine. However, awareness of this biodiversity has been declining over time. This study aims to enhance students’ understanding of medicinal plant biodiversity through the creation of a herbarium at MTs. Darul Muttaqin Componge, Desa Lappo Ase, Kecamatan Awangpone, Kabupaten Bone. The methods used include field exploration, specimen collection, drying, documentation, and herbarium preparation with scientific labeling. The results indicate an increase in students' understanding and involvement in the conservation of medicinal plants. Additionally, the created herbarium collection serves as a sustainable reference for students and teachers. The main challenges faced were the drying process of specimens and limited storage facilities. Overall, herbarium-making has proven to be an effective learning method and can be further developed in efforts to preserve local biodiversity.


Keywords: Biodiversity, herbarium, medicinal plants, environmental education.



How to Cite

Marang, N., S, S. A., & Hafsan. (2025). Pengenalan Biodiversitas Tanaman Obat Melalui Pembuatan Herbarium Di MTS. Darul Muttaqin Componge Desa Lappo Ase, Kecamatan Awangpone, Kabupaten Bone. BioHarmony, 1(1). Retrieved from


