Delving into Pierre Bourdieu's Thought Habitus, Social Capital, and Symbolic Power
Kata Kunci:
Habitus, Social Capital, Symbolic Power, Pierre Bourdieu, Social InequalityAbstrak
Pierre Bourdieu, a prominent French sociologist, developed a theory that explores how social structures and power dynamics work through concepts such as habitus, social capital, and symbolic power. Habitus refers to the system of habits and dispositions that shape how individuals interact with their social world, influenced by life experiences and socialization. Social capital refers to the resources that can be accessed through social networks, which serve as a means to gain advantages in social and economic life. Symbolic power, meanwhile, is an invisible form of power that operates through symbols and social norms that shape people’s perceptions of value and status. This article explores Bourdieu’s theories with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of how social inequality is maintained through habitus, social capital, and symbolic power. The analysis shows how these concepts interact to influence individuals’ positions in society, and how they maintain or challenge existing power structures. Through this approach, this article seeks to uncover the ways in which power operates in contemporary society.