

ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review implements these following policies:

  1. Publication Ethics
    2. Open Access
    3. Digital Archiving
    4. Copyright, License, and Privacy
    5. Screen for Plagiarism
    6. Article Publication Charge


Open Access

ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review provides direct open access to its content on the principle of making scientific articles freely available to the public and supporting greater global knowledge exchange. By adapting The Budapest Open Access Initiative, this journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for, or link to the full text of its articles and use it for other legitimate purposes. However, the works/articles in this journal are also tied to The Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Digital Archiving

Aiming to preserve this journal archives, this journal uses the platform Fatcat, a catalog built by the Internet Archive as an initiative to ensure permanent access to open access journal articles. This journal is also archived in the One Search National Library of Indonesia system and Garba Rujukan Digital.


Copyright and License


  • The copyright of each manuscript belongs to the author.
  • The author acknowledges that ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review is the first publisher under the license of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  • Authors can publish papers separately, and arrange non-exclusive distribution of manuscripts that have been published in this journal into other versions by acknowledging that the manuscripts have been published for the first time in ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review.


  • Attribution: You must provide an appropriate name, include a link to the license, and certify that changes have been made. You can do this in an appropriate manner, but do not imply that the licensor supports you or your use.
  • Share Alike: If you compose or make derivatives of these materials, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original materials.
  • No additional restrictions: You may not use legal provisions or technological means of control that legally restrict others from doing the things this license allows.

You are free to:

  • Share, copy, and redistribute this material in any form or format.
  • Adapt, modify, and create derivatives of this material for any purpose, including commercial purposes.
  • The licensor cannot revoke the above terms as long as you comply with the terms of this license.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).




Privacy Statement

The name and email address entered in this journal site will be used only for the purposes of this journal exclusively and will not be used for other purposes/interests of other parties.




ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review only accepts manuscripts written in Indonesian, English, and Arabic. The following are our guidelines as part of the submission process to ensure your manuscript meets the journal's requirements.

  1. The manuscript has never been published before, or have been considered in other journals.
  2. Script file in Microsoft Word format (.doc) 10-20 pages.
  3. Regarding bibliography/reference, ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review applies APA Style. Therefore, we hope the authors pay attention to it. In addition, it is recommended for authors to use a reference manager tool such as Zotero. For reference, at least 80% of journals, theses, dissertations, and research reports.
  4. Each manuscript will be selected and assessed by the editorial team by involving relevant experts in their field, and then the author will get information about the status of his article: accepted, accepted with revision, or rejected.
    The team's editorial decisions are irrevocable.

General Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts are authentic research results that have not been published in other publication media or publishers.
  2. The manuscript does not contain elements of plagiarism. The editorial board will immediately reject any text that indicates plagiarism.
  3. Free submission and publication process, at no extra cost.
  4. Manuscripts that have been written according to theILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review Guidelines, (in MS Word format, according to the article template) must be submitted through the Online Submission System using the Open Journal System (OJS)
  5. Manuscripts that do not match the template ILAW; International Journal Assulta of Law Review will be returned to the author prior to the review process.
  6. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian, English, or Arabic in academic standard language.
  7. Manuscripts should consist of 2500 to 6000 words including pictures and tables.
    The manuscript is written on A4 size paper (210x297 mm), with the following special margins: left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, and top 2.5 cm.
  8. Words from foreign languages are expressed in Italic format. Each paragraph starts 10mm from the left side border and there is no space between paragraphs.
  9. Tables and figures are placed in a text group after the referenced table or figure. Each image must be captioned (Image Caption) below the image and numbered in English numbering format followed by the image title.
  10. Each table must be given a table title (Table Description) and numbered in English numbering format above the table followed by the table title.
  11. Image attachments must be guaranteed to print properly (font size, resolution, and line space is clearly visible).

Figures, tables, and charts should be centered between groups of text.
If it has a larger size, it can be placed in the center of the page. The table must not contain vertical lines, while horizontal lines are only allowed for important points.