Pendampingan dalam Meminimalisir Sikap Permisif Mahasiswa Terhadap Kekeliruan Dosen di Perguruan Tinggi
Mentoring is an important approach in improving the quality of relationships and communication between students and lecturers, especially in minimizing students' permissive attitude towards lecturers' mistakes. This permissive attitude can hinder the development of critical thinking and the quality of learning. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of mentoring in helping students to be more critical and dare to give feedback to lecturers constructively. Using a qualitative approach based on interpretative phenomenology, data was obtained through in-depth interviews with 1st and 5th semester students majoring in Tadris Ilmu Alam IAIN Ponorogo. The results showed that before the mentoring, students tended to be passive in responding to lecturers' mistakes due to various factors, such as fear and academic cultural norms. After the mentoring, there was a significant increase in students' courage to provide feedback and awareness of their responsibility in maintaining the quality of learning. Mentoring proved effective in building a more open, critical and supportive academic environment. Therefore, sustainable mentoring needs to be implemented to create a more inclusive and quality education system.