A Kompetensi Guru Abad 21 Dalam Membangun Pembelajaran Inovatif


  • Ayu Mutia Sriani IAIN PONOROGO


Teachers are an important component in education. Therefore, teachers  are also referred to as professional educators. In this case, teachers have demands to guide, educate, direct, train, and assess and evaluate students. In the 21st century or what is often called the digital era, teachers are increasingly required to be more innovative towards the development of technological times so that they are able to keep up with current teaching trends. The role of teachers in the digital era is  not only as teachers but also as facilitators who help students to be able to utilize various learning resources including in terms of using technology as a learning medium. This paper will discuss the competencies of 21st century teachers in building innovative learning, as well as describe the use of technology for innovative learning, and the challenges faced in innovative learning. The method used in this research is qualitative method with literature study and field study. The purpose of this research is to find out the competencies of 21st century teachers who are the object of research in order to build innovative learning.

Keywords                                     Teacher; 21st Century Teacher Competencies; Innovative Learning.


